Sunday, January 29, 2012


A capacitor is a device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator. It gets its name from the fact that it has a capacity to sore both electric charge and energy. A capacitor is like a battery in the sense that they both store electrical energy. Inside the capacitor, terminals connect two metal plates separated by a non-conducting substance or any non-conductive substance. Once one plate acquires a charge, the other acquires and equal and opposite charge. The greater the charge for a given voltage, the greater the capacitance is of the capacitor. An example of a capacitor is an electrograph. An electrograph is a machine used for the electrical transmission of pictures.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Electric Potential

This is a picture of a power strip and it exhibits electric potential. Electric potential is a measure of potential energy unit per charge, or in other words voltage. The power strip allows you to plug in multiple items to one outlet using only one plug. This words because the electrical currents go through the plugged in power strip and to the other outlets attached the original outlet. The potential energy is measured in joules and charge is measure in coulombs. The SI unit is joules per coulombs or volts. After googling about electric potential I learned that electric potential and electrical potential energy are two completely different things.

Insulators and Conductors

An insulator is a material or object in which charges are not free to move. In other words it’s a material or object that holds in charges and doesn’t move to other objects. It can also be an object that resists the flow of electrical current. Some examples of insulators are rubber, plastic, wood and glass. That’s why the coating around your electronic chargers is rubber or plastic, so you don’t get shocked. A conductor is the opposite of an insulator; it is an object or material that allows charges to move freely. Anything metal is a conductor of electricity, which is why all plugs are made from metal.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Positive, Negative and No Charge

A proton is a part of an atom that is positively charged. An electron is a part of an atom that is negatively charged. A neutron is a part of an atom that has no charge. Within the nucleus of an atom are protons and neutrons. Electrons orbit around the outside of the nucleus. In an atom, the amount of neutrons is usually the same amount of electrons with makes the atom electrically neutral. This happens because opposite charges attract to one another. And same charges repel one another. There is no reaction when two neutral charges are near one another.