Monday, December 5, 2011

Potential and Kinetic Energy

Energy, in a physics sense, is defined as the ability to work. Work is the force placed on an object multiplied by its displacement or distance. Anytime the energy of something changes, it’s called work. There are two types of energy also. The first type is potential energy. Potential energy is energy stored in a system due to its position. My Hello Kitty toy shows potential energy because I was cranking the lever, which caused stored energy, or potential energy inside of the toy. The other type of energy is kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is energy in motion or something that is moving. Hello Kitty shows kinetic energy in the next picture because she is in the middle of moving sideward’s after I cranked the lever.


  1. This is a good example of determining potential and kinetic energy.

  2. That's a really cute helly kitty thing! good example of changing energy!

  3. Good post, I really liked how you related energy to your Hello Kitty toy :)

  4. So cute, I swear physics is everywhere!
